Thursday, April 12, 2012

Buona Pasqua! Frohe Ostern! Happy Easter!

Good Friday until Easter Monday are official holidays in Germany, so no work. A couple days off.
Since the weather over easter wasn't too great in Munich. Markus and I decided to do a little road trip looking for sunshine.
We packed the car and just drove South. We ended up in Florence, Italy. An amazing city I love. Markus had never been there before so we decided to stay a couple of nights. In our tent.
It was fun. Spending Easter in Italy was really special. Pasqua means Easter in Italian! And I cannot tell you how often I heard "Buona Pasqua!" over the last couple of days. Even from strangers on the Streets! I loved it!

In Florence, Easter is celebrated with the Scoppio del Carro, explosion of the cart. A huge, decorated wagon is dragged through Florence by white oxen until it reaches Basilica die Santa Maria del Fiore in the historic center. Following mass, the Archbishop sends a dove-shaped rocked into the cart, igniting the fireworks held in the card. pretty spectacular! it is followed by a parade in medieval costumes! 

We had an amazing time and ate at so many great restaurants. 

Our Tent! 
I ♥ Firenze

il Duomo 

The cutest little store! We bought tons of Olive Oil there! 

Tramonto del Sole!

In Italy you have to drink Espresso! 

Ponte Vecchio

historic pageant 

Easter Sunday. 

1 comment:

  1. How amazing to just "end up" in Florence! Lucky! Your blog is such a fun adventure. Glad we are connected now! Keep the posts coming :)
