On the evening of July 4th I left Auckland to fly home. I had a stopover in LA which was cool since it was the American Independence day! Even the imigration officers and the people working at customs were very nice that day. Definitivly diffrent than the last couple of times I was in the the US! I arrived super tired in London where I had to change flights again. After 26 hours of travelling I arrived at Munich were my mom picked me up at the airport. To suprise me, one of my uncles who works close to the airport came with my mom to suprise me. Really nice of him, but I was so tired I could not really appreciate it. First think I did was to SLEEP!
Markus Ott
10.05.1957 - 13.01.2011 |
Today is August, the 20th and I still have no clue what to do with all the pictures I took! I am so happy I did this trip and I think it made it easier for me to deal with the sad fact that started my trip. My Dad passed away on January 13th of this year. It was a complete shock for me and the rest of my family. He was only 53 years old. And even if I think he died way too young, I found a way for myself to deal with it. I am convinced that my dad watches over me and is with me at all times. He loved travelling and I am sure he would loved what I have done! I feel like I have seen some more of this amazing world. And of course there is so much more to explore...
Coming back home after almost six month was great! You appreaciate the little things in life so much more! like your own bed and a hot shower...
Moreover I reunited with my friends and of course visited my family. My grandmother (my Dad's mom), had a really hard time during I was away. She is 88 years old and simply could not understand why my Dad had to go before her. She loves my brother and me very much, maybe even more because she only has two grandchildren. She was afraid that we would not meet again, but I returned and she was just so grateful to have me back. She tells me she prays for my dad every day before she goes to bed. And she always says he will reserve the best spot in heaven for her right next to him, with the best view! it is just a joke but somehow I like the thought of it!
For now I am excited to go back to University and start a new Job September 1st! I am going to move back to Munich. Right now I enjoy the weather and being home but I also get a litte bit bored by having not really a whole lot to do. I am counting the days until Uni starts again... only 12 days left until a new chapter of my life starts!
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